Wheel Wednesday: Toyo Proxes R1R Tyres

The celebration of driving sideways is something very welcomed by the team at TheMotorist. In fact, the sport of going sideways should be something welcomed by most car lovers. What’s not joyous about controlling a car sliding around a bend? There is a certain satisfaction about getting it right, most times you will spin, other times you will crash and that is why you need to make sure that you are very far away from harms way. One of the biggest downfalls with drifting is the cost, specifically the cost of tyres. As we all know, tyres aren’t cheap, especially if they are good quality. So if you’re looking to get into the sport of drifting, make sure you have a large budget or a generous benefactor. It’s good to know that companies like Toyo Tyres make tyres like the  Proxes R1R. This tyre is designed to withstand getting thrashed around bends and endure many laps around the track. It is definitely one of the tyres preferred by many drifters and it has had many positive reviews. So if you are thinking about mastering the art of sideways driving, the Toyo Proxes R1R’s are a set to consider. Happy Wheel Wednesday.